搭家好 我是oooliver


可以來我的 IG YouTube跟我聊聊跟音樂相關的東西喔 ~~d(d'∀')

Insragran https://www.instagram.com/oooliver21/?hl=zh-tw

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4MFQMudt3vvGjVxJaqCbYg




Gryfin !!!!! 沒有一次是讓我失望的








[Verse 1]
Simple as can be 盡可能簡單
I got your hands in mine 我抓住你的手
And you don't have to listen carefully 你也不需仔細地聽
I'll tell you a thousand times 我會告訴你上千次

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Anything you feel, put it all on me 把你任何感受的都告訴我吧
All of your thoughts, I want everything 你所有的想法 我想知道全部
And when you get sad, like you do sometimes 當你做了某些事 感到沮喪時
Put it all on me 向我傾倒吧
Put it all on me 向我傾倒吧

I'll lift you when you're feeling low 我會在你墜入谷底時將你拉起
I'll hold you when the night gets cold 我會在逐漸變冷的夜晚握住你
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠都不需要感到孤獨
And that's all you need to know 而這全部就是你需要知道的
No love lost, we've got you and I 不會有仇恨 我們之間有你有我
No clouds, we shoot them out the sky 沒有雲 我們把他們射出天際
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠不用感到孤獨的
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些

[Verse 2]
Simple as can be 簡單就可以了
I'm gonna be around 我會在你周圍
And you know we got everything we need 你也知道我們擁有們需要的
Look at this thing we found 看看這我們找到的

[Pre-Chorus 2]
Anything you feel, put it all on me 把你任何感受的都告訴我吧
All of your thoughts, I want everything 你所有的想法 我想知道全部
And when you get sad, like you do sometimes 當你做了某些事 感到沮喪時
Put it all on me 向我傾倒吧
Put it all on me 向我傾倒吧

I'll lift you when you're feeling low 我會在你墜入谷底時將你拉起
I'll hold you when the night gets cold 我會在逐漸變冷的夜晚握住你
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠都不需要感到孤獨
And that's all you need to know 而這全部就是你需要知道的
No love lost, we've got you and I 不會有仇恨 我們之間有你有我
No clouds, we shoot them out the sky 沒有雲 我們把他們射出天際
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠不用感到孤獨的
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些

Anything you feel, put it all on me 把你任何感受的都告訴我吧
All of your thoughts, I want everything 你所有的想法 我想知道全部
And when you get sad, like you do sometimes 當你做了某些事 感到沮喪時
Put it all on me 向我傾倒吧
Put it all on me 向我傾倒吧

I'll lift you when you're feeling low 我會在你墜入谷底時我會鼓舞你
I'll hold you when the night gets cold 我會在逐漸變冷的夜晚握住你
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠都不需要感到孤獨
And that's all you need to know 而這全部就是你需要知道的
No love lost, we've got you and I 不會有仇恨 我們之間有你有我
No clouds, we shoot them out the sky 沒有雲 我們把他們射出天際
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠不用感到孤獨的
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
I'll lift you when you're feeling low 我會在你墜入谷底時我會鼓舞你
I'll hold you when the night gets cold 我會在逐漸變冷的夜晚握住你
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠都不需要感到孤獨
And that's all you need to know 而這全部就是你需要知道的
No love lost, we've got you and I不會有仇恨 我們之間有你有我
No clouds, we shoot them out the sky 沒有雲 我們把他們射出天際
You'll never have to be alone 你永遠不用感到孤獨的
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些
And that's all you need to know 你只需要知道這些



    創作者 火星塵埃 的頭像


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